Friday, June 8, 2012

Rules of War:tide

These are some experimental rules for you to disuse. Please keep in mind that you should only use them if you have water:

-Tide only effects objects which are in water (i.e. models crossing a river, ships, sea monsters, etc.) at the beginning of the game, roll a D6 and consult the following chart to determine what direction the tide is going:

D6 tide
1-Low tide
2-player 1's board edge
3-player 1's right board edge
4-player 2's right board edge
5-player 2's board edge
6-High tide

A model which is heading in the same direction as the tide gains an additional D3" of movement. Models which are moving towards the tide lose D3" of movement.

Low tide means that you count the water on the board as being 1 inch smaller then it was (if a river was 3" then it is now only 2".) If the water goes off the board then simply mark back the point from which it touches the land.

High tide means that you count the water on the board as being 1 inch larger then it was (if a river was 3" then it is now 4".) If the water goes off the board then simply mark the point from which it touches the land.

It does not mater how this is represented, only that both players agree on its representation. 

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